Sue Scheff Threatens Fornits

Several days ago, GoDaddy recieved a theatening email sent by Sue Scheff requesting that certain content she found offensive (attached to the email) be removed from Whether or not the content linked to constitutes “death threats” or “internet terrorism” is largely irrelevant (judge for yourself). Nobody I have talked to sees it as such. What is relavant is the fact that she lied several times in her email to increase the percieved gravity of the alleged offenses.

In the email, Sue Scheff claimed to have filed a police report with the Broward’s county sherrifs department in Florida. She included a case number. Since several of my posts were listed in her complaint, and others were worried about the matter, I decided to contact the Broward’s county sherrif’s department to explain the other side of the story.

On the first mention of “internet death threats” I was transferred to the civil division (which did not answer). Clearly they didn’t take the matter very seriously. Since Sue Scheff implied the matter was not civil, but criminal, I called back, explained a little bit more of the situation, and was transferred to the records department. I explained what had happened, briefly, and gave over the case number (W505031987).

The woman who I talked to seemed surprised, and explained that it did not fit the format for any case number. She also explained that the digits “05″ would mean that the case would have to been filed in 2005. We tried several different combinations of common letters or numbers that could have been mistaken. Nothing made sense to her. Upon further research on the Browards county sherrifs department’s website, I came to the conclusion that Sue Scheff had never, in fact, filed a police report.

This leads me to believe that her other claims, such as contacting the FBI, were also false. (although I am not concerned enough to check, given Sue Scheff’s history of not telling the truth). 20/20 was also contacted, and although the matter was not followed up on, the person who was talked to seemed to have no knowledge of any appearance of Sue Scheff on any upcoming episode of the show.

This whole matter has caused a great deal of trouble for the technical staff of Fornits (who work on a volunteer basis), requiring many to take time out of their personal lives and cancel important plans in order to move Fornits to a less litigious country (Canada).Given that these claims were relatively easy for me to verify as false, I find Godaddy’s response more than a little upsetting:

“Please be aware Go Daddy reserves the right to terminate Services if Your usage of the Services results in, or is the subject of, legal action or threatened legal action, against Go Daddy or any of its affiliates or partners, without consideration for whether such legal action or threatened legal action is eventually determined to be with or without merit.”

What this essentially means is that Sue Scheff is willing to spread known falsehoods about other people to willfully damage their reputations, personal lives, and suppress their ability to tell their side of the story. Sadly, it also means that the United States has apparently become so litigious that providers of internet services are willing to participate in this censorship at the mere mention of legal action, regardless of merit.

Effectively, this means that although the government itself may not participate in censorship, private entities through litigation and companies such as Reputation Defender can and do.

15 thoughts on “Sue Scheff Threatens Fornits”

  1. I think Fornits and everyone who posts on Fornits, and now the new forums, are surrounded by enough lawyers all over the country at this point that there is no need to be concerned about the “Sue Scheff Threats.” Sue Scheff and her one-person company PURE is as effective as Robert Lichfield of WWASPS. She is spinning her wheels.

    Bring on your little frivolous lawsuits Scheff. No one is budging from the right to speak freely, respond to your false statements, and your self serving blogs.

    As you can see Miss Scheff everytime you threaten people you get more and more over your head.

    Sue Scheff’s reputation is shot but she is the one who worked so hard to make that happen.

    Our hats are off to Fornits.

  2. “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”
    -Napoleon Bonaparte-

    Scheff’s apparent unethical business practices are finally going to catch up with her, and the innocent will finally be vindicated. Ms. Scheff is her own worse enemy.

    It’s been made apparent that this woman has made a living out of telling lies, and practicing deceit at the expense of innocent children, and their families, to further her financial gain. All anyone has to do is read the Carey Bock case to see how a complete unjustice was served upon the Bock family. On appeal, I hope the Bock family considers changing venues for their case.

    Meanwhile Ms. Scheff, you can’t shut down every blog spot, you can’t shut down the truth, you can’t take away freedom of speech no matter how many lies you try to tell. If lieing were a career, you should be worth millions.

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  5. Though I have a great deal of respect for the message Ginger has tried to get across. Her methods remain questionable. Fornits is a cesspool full of malcontents who will say “anything” to get some personal attention. Its that very “anything” that I think has caused the uproar that Sue has pursued. Though I agree that speaking the truth has probably been more “damning” to Sue than anything else.Those who post the nonsense completely take advantage of the “no accountability” ascociated with the entire site.
    When asked about removing content that is offensive,one recieves a lesson in our US Constitution,and its amendments.
    Everyone is entitled to their own belief in this living document,though I cant see our forefathers intending to give “carte blanch” to anyone to say anything without consequences.
    Its Ginger’s irresponsible actions that have forced her to seek refuge in a foreign country,not Sue’s. She already knows she is caught. I think that is abundantly clear.
    The content at Fornits is a reflection of a group of very sick individuals that could care less about Sue and her deciet. Its more about the continual seeking of attention by any means.
    I think Sue should be tried for her crimes against children by a jury of her peers. If she somehow beats the rap,be assured that she (like anyone else) will have to meet god on her own judgement day. I am guessing that his sentence will be far more harsh than anything the court,or Ginger’s Goon Squad could dish out.
    A Warshawsky

  6. So you think informing the public of a company, that a product is harmful to the health and safety of children is wrong? This Industry with their ploys to silence the parents, children who were duped by these programs, with threats of legal action is right? There are many people on fornits who are serious about protecting the rights of children on Fornits.

  7. I have obviously spent way too much time in the wrong forum. I have not much experience at Fornits that has been positive,or productive. I am really impressed with what I see in the last week,and am impressed with the devotion of those who have been under fire.
    Personal feelings and opinions aside,if I may be of service, I hope I am asked.No child should endure what we have.
    A Warshawsky

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